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The Southwest Utah Stormwater Coalition is a group of local storm water management teams working  together to educate residents, contractors and businesses on storm water pollution prevention  measures for clean storm water runoff.

Our Goals are to protect our environment; by providing educational outreach material for  awareness. Promote “do your part” with ecological friendly habits. Collaborate with local  agencies on best practice managements for businesses and municipalities. For all residents, promote clean storm water runoff to protect, improve and enjoy healthy rivers, lakes and streams.

The Coalition consists of representatives from St. George, Washington, Ivins, Santa Clara, and UDOT.  As well as the Southern Utah Home Builders Association (SUBA) and the Associated General Contractors Association of Southern Utah (AGC).



The Clean Water Act (CWA) was enacted into law in 1972 to restore and maintain clean and healthy waters. In 1987, the CWA was amended to regulate the discharges of untreated wastewater to rivers, lakes, and streams which is known as point source pollution from municipalities, industries, construction activities, and businesses.

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting program was regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In 1987, the State of Utah was granted primacy of the NPDES program known as the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES), the intent of the storm water permits program is to reduce the amount of pollutants from entering into rivers, lakes, and streams. For more information please visit the Utah Division of Water Quality.


Southwest Utah Stormwater Coalition Mission Statement

The Southwest Utah Stormwater Coalition's Mission Statement is to: “Reduce storm water pollution in local streams and rivers through public education and outreach, and collaboration of policies and standards to implement pollution control measures”.

Stormwater for Businesses

Waste and Material Storage

If rain falls into your dumpsters or on your raw materials, then it's carrying some of that stuff with it as it drains away. A little good housekeeping and a few sheds or tin roofs can take care of that problem.  Property managers should inspect dumpsters regularly and only store chemicals outside with tight-fitting lids with secondary containment.


Parking Lots

Businesses, churches, hospitals, and other institutions can do a lot to reduce polluted runoff from their parking lots. One solution is to replace asphalt with modern "permeable" pavements that allow rain to soak in rather than run off. Another is to design parking lots to drain into catch basins, filter strips, and storm water ponds, rather than directly into the storm sewer system. Regular inspection and sweeping is key to avoiding waste leaving the property.


Outdoor Cleaning

Grounds crews should sweep sidewalks, loading docks, and parking lots and dispose of the trash and debris in the dumpster, rather than washing these areas with a hose.  If outdoor washing is necessary, look for environmentally friendly, water-based cleaning products. Maintenance crews should rinse paint cans, brushes, buckets, or other cleaning materials in an indoor sink.


Landscaping Chemicals and Fertilizer

Groundskeepers should test soil and read the label before applying fertilizer. If they use too much fertilizer, the excess will just wash away in the next rain, polluting local waterways. Use fertilizers sparingly and sweep up driveways, sidewalks, and walkways.

Fertilizer may not even be necessary! According to experts, many businesses over-fertilize their landscaping.  There are resources available at the Washington County Water Conservancy District at https://www.wcwcd.org/conservation/plan-tips-resources/



It's smart to put sprinklers on timers so they water early in the morning and point them so that they don’t water the sidewalk or driveways. If your business has storm water ponds, cisterns, or rain barrels that capture rain before it leaves your property, using that water on your landscaping often makes a lot of sense.


Fleet Care

Many institutions maintain fleets of trucks, buses, ambulances, and other vehicles on site. Do this carefully to keep gasoline, oil, and soap suds out of storm drains and waterways.  Vehicle maintenance should be done indoors, using drop cloths and drip pans. If there is a spill, clean it up promptly using absorbent sand and kitty litter. 


Long Term Storm Water Management Plans

There is a plan for managing storm water during construction, but what about long term management and maintenance?  The state requires an agreement and plan for the long-haul.  See your local jurisdiction for more details and forms.  

Stormwater for Residents

Pet Waste Belongs in the Trash!

You hate stepping in it. And fish hate swimming in it, too! When you walk your dog, make sure to carry a plastic bag with you so that you can pick up the waste and dispose of it properly. Flushing is the best disposal method (don’t flush the plastic bag), but you can also throw it in a trash can. Some towns will fine you if they catch you leaving it in public areas!

Do your "doody" in both public areas and in your yard to prevent waste from ending up in the nearest River.


Yard Waste

Bag your grass clippings for curbside pickup. Even better, compost them to make a natural fertilizer for your garden. Reuse centers are great for tree limbs and yard cleanup. Whatever you do, don't leave it on the sidewalk or blow them in the street otherwise it will end up in the  storm drain!  Organic waste in the storm drain causes problems, it just stinks!


Lawn Chemicals and Fertilizer

Test your soil and read the label before you apply fertilizer. If you use too much fertilizer, the excess will just wash away in the next rain, polluting your local waterways. Use fertilizers sparingly and sweep up driveways, sidewalks and walkways.

You may not even need to fertilize your yard! According to experts, most homeowners over-fertilize their lawns.


Lawn Watering

A lawn needs just one inch of water per week to be green. If you are watering more than that, a lot of that water is running off into the nearest waterway, taking your fertilizer, seeds, and hard-earned money right along with it. Adjust your sprinklers so they don't water the driveway or sidewalk. Even better, use drip irrigation or soaker hoses.

There are lots of useful tips at the Washington County Water Conservancy District https://www.wcwcd.org/conservation/plan-tips-resources/


Household Chemicals

If you stop to think about it, your home is full of chemicals, such as cleaners, medicines, pesticides, weed and bug killers, and old paint, just to name a few.  When you're cleaning out the garage, it might be tempting to pour those chemicals down the toilet, sink or the storm drain, but don't!

See Washington County Solid Waste website:  http://www.wcsw.org/   

EPA Household Hazardous waste:  https://www.epa.gov/hw/household-hazardous-waste-hhw


Car Care

It matters how and where you take care of your car. When you are working on your car, take care to catch your used fluids in safe containers that you can take to a recycling center. Never dispose of these chemicals down a storm drain. If you spill anything, mop it up quickly. It's best to take your car to a professional car wash. They have special equipment to treat all the dirty water they produce. If you wash your car at home, it's best to park your car on the grass, first, rather than leave it on the driveway.


Soak Up the Rain!

Rainwater won't become storm water pollution if you keep it on your property! You can do that by connecting rain barrels to your gutters and using the water they capture in your lawn or garden later. If you are renovating, consider a rain garden or modern "pervious" pavers that allow water to soak through into the soil below.

Some people wonder if it's legal to capture rainwater.  Check out this flyer from Utah State University:  https://extension.usu.edu/waterquality/files-ou/Publications/Rainwater-Harvesting-in-Utah.pdf


Septic Systems

If you smell sewage or see especially lush plants growing on your leach field, then your septic system might need attention. If your septic system needs repair, it might be polluting your local waterways. If it gets too bad, it might back up into your home!

The Washington County Health Department regulates septic takes.  More information can be found at the website: https://swuhealth.org/southwest-utah-environmental-health-utah-septic-systems/


Pool Care

Do you know how your eyes can burn after too much time in the chlorinated water of a swimming pool? Imagine how that feels for fish and frogs! Pool owners should stop chlorinating and dechlorinate pool water as soon as they know they're going to drain the pool and drain the water on the grass or rocks to filter, rather than directly into a street gutter.

Check with your city to determine the guidelines for draining your swimming pool.

Stormwater for Construction

Get Your Permit

A Notice of Intent is required by the Division of Water Quality and your local Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4s) if you disturb 1 acre or more of land, or less than an acre if part of a Common Plan of Development (subdivision).  Check with your local jurisdiction before disturbing the soil.

Learn more about the storm water permit requirements from the Division of Water Qualtiy at https://deq.utah.gov/water-quality/general-construction-storm-water-updes-permits


Prepare your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

You SWPPP is your plan on how you will manage your site during construction. It should be personalized to your site and specify erosion and sediment control and good housekeeping.  SWPPP templates can be found in the Resources tab.  You will also need to complete documented routine inspections to insure your site is being maintained.


Low Impact Development Practices

Low Impact Development (LID) practices protect and use the land’s natural features as a way to filter and slow the flow of storm water. These practices manage storm water at its source and protect natural areas, too. They can also save developers money by minimizing the need to add infrastructure like streets and gutters.  Examples of LID practices include:

  • Permeable pavement, such as pavers and crushed stone, can be used in place of asphalt and concrete to pave surfaces. These materials allow rain to soak into the ground instead of flowing into storm drains. They are often used for parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks.
  • Bioretention areas (also known as rain gardens) are shallow depressions in the landscape that collect water that runs off from hard surfaces. These areas are planted with grasses and flowering plants that help filter the water as it soaks into the ground. The area can also be lined with decorative rock to help slow the flow of storm water to infiltrate in the ground.  They are often placed in parking lot islands or street medians.
  • Vegetated filter strips are broad, gently sloping areas of grass or plants that trap, filter, and slow storm water runoff. They are often located by roads, parking lots, and driveways.


For more information can be found in the Resource tab.


Pre-Construction Planning

A little planning ahead of time can go a long way to prevent storm water pollution. Begin by choosing your site carefully. Place storage and maintenance areas far away from storm drains and waterways. Make sure that everyone working on-site knows their roles in carrying out your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.


Erosion & Sediment Control

It’s important that you pick a combination of erosion and sediment controls that work for your site. This includes practices that protect natural landscape features, like washes and rivers, and stabilize soil. You will also need to put practices in place to protect and maintain silt fences, storm drain inlets, and construction entrances.


Site Maintenance

A little good housekeeping can keep polluted runoff from ending up in nearby waterways. Sweep often, keep dumpsters covered, and remove trash daily. Store construction materials under a tarp or a plastic sheet to protect from rain. Clean up small spills immediately using absorbent materials, like sand.

Stormwater for Development

Dixie_Storm_Water_Coliation_LID_Guidance_Manual_June_2020 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
LID Matrix Flow Chart PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
LID_Guidance_Matrix PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Storm_Water_Quality_Rpt_Template PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Dixie_Storm_Water_Coliation_LID_Guidance_Manual_June_2020 DOCX - 08-27-2020 Download
Tech Memo_Disconnected Impervious Areas_2020-05-27 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download

LID Drawings (PDF)

BR-2 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
BR-1 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
BR-3 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
BR-4 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
BR-5 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
DI-1 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
BR-6 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
HR-1 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
ID-1 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
ID-2 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
ID-4 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
ID-3 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
PS-1 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download

LID Drawings (CAD)

DSWC_Logo_new JPG - 08-27-2020 View
BR-1 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
BR-2 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
BR-3 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
BR-4 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
BR-5 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
BR-6 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
DI-1 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
HR-1 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
ID-1 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
ID-2 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
ID-3 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
ID-4 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
PS-1 DWG - 08-27-2020 View
TB DWG - 08-27-2020 View

LID Maps

Wash_City_LID_Collapsible_Soil 11x17 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Wash_City_LID_Expansive_Soils 11x17 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Wash_City_LID_Gypsiferus Soil 11x17 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Wash_City_LID_Liquefacton_Hazard 11x17 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Wash_City_LID_Shallow Groundwater 11x17 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Wash_City_LID_Shallow Bedrock 11x17 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download
Wash_City_LID_Soil_HSG_11x17 PDF - 08-27-2020 View Download

Reporting | Contact Us

Contact the Southwest Utah Stormwater Coalition

Public Works  (435) 627-4050
Public Works (435) 656-6317
Public Works (435) 634-0689
Public Works (435) 656-4690 opt. 2
(435) 634-5730
(435) 627-4300


What is a Spill?  An accidental spill of anything other than culinary or secondary water or solid material that could be washed to gutters, storm drains, ditches, streams, creeks, canals, detention ponds, secondary water ponds or rivers.
What is Illegal Dumping?  Intentional dumping of anything other than culinary or secondary water or solid material into gutters, storm drains, ditches, streams, creeks, canals, detention ponds, secondary water ponds or rivers.



If hazardous material is spilled or dumped, call 911.  For all other spills or dumping, please contact your local Public Works office or the non-emergency 24 hour Spill Hotline.


Spill Hotline Information

If you suspect anything that is other than clean storm water being placed into or found within the City of St. George Storm Water Conveyance System, please call our 24-hour Storm Water Contamination Reporting Hot Line:





Stay on the line, speak slowly and clearly as you make your report to the City Dispatcher.


Items that constitute an illicit discharge may include:


●      Detergent

●      Leaf litter

●      Sewage

●      Industrial waste

●      Petroleum products

●      Animal waste

●      Commercial car wash flow





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Coalition Members/Cities

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Construction Documents:

● Utah Pollution Prevention and Elimination System Permit Requirements for sites one or more acres - https://documents.deq.utah.gov/water-quality/stormwater/construction/DWQ-2019-004173.pdf

● Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Construction General Permits for site one acre or more - https://documents.deq.utah.gov/water-quality/permits/updes/DWQ-2018-006549.docx

● Utah Pollution Prevention and Elimination System Permit Requirements for sites less than one acre or part of a Common Plan of Development (Subdivision) - https://deq.utah.gov/legacy/permits/water-quality/utah-pollutant-discharge-elimination-system/docs/2016/02feb/updes-common-plan.pdf

● Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Common Plan of Development sites - link TBD for Coalition template

● To obtain a Notice of Intent - https://deq.utah.gov/water-quality/updes-ereporting#construction



Stormwater - Construction Video

Dixie Clean Stormwater Coalition Training Attendance Form

City Owned High Priority Facility Weekly Inspection Form

Stormwater IDDE Employee Training

Stormwater IDDE Public Training (Spanish)


Helpful Links:

● Give your Land a Hand - http://www.giveyourlandahand.com/

● Division of Water Quality (DWQ) - https://deq.utah.gov/water-quality/storm-water-permits-updes-permits

● Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - https://www.epa.gov/npdes/npdes-stormwater-program

● Southern Utah Home Builders Association (SUBA) - https://www.suhba.com/

● Associated General Contractors (AGC) - https://www.agc-utah.org/

● Utah Storm Water Advisory Committee (USWAC) - https://uswac.org/

● Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) - https://www.utahltap.org/

● Washington County Water Conservancy District (WCWCD) - https://www.wcwcd.org/

● Washington County Landfill - http://www.wcsw.org/

● Washington County Health Department - https://swuhealth.org/